Poetry Gallery
A selection of our poems as featured on our Instagram page. Here, each poem tells its own story about the creativity, passion, and profound exploration of the human experience.
It’s always hard dealing with the loss of a loved one, this poem was inspired by someone close to me who lost the battle with alcoholism. Struggles get real - especially when we’re afraid to ask for help from those close to us.
Let’s try to remember to make memories last.
#alcoholism #makememories
Love and Loss
We all have the strength that sleeps within us. How can we harness this energy to become all we were meant to be. The first step is stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting everything will work out the way it should.
#innerstrength #believeinmyself
Inner Strength
A little prayer to say on Thanksgiving Day or whenever you’re feeling thankful. Every second spent be grateful adds happiness to your reality. #Thanksgiving #ThanksgivingPrayer
Thanksgiving Prayer.
A reminder to me as I journey on the road of life to always check-in with myself from time to time. To check-in on my feelings; a pat on the back if I’m heading the right way or a quick pick me up if I find myself straggling. It’s all good anyway.
#OvercomingSelfDoubt #PickMeUp #Inspirational